
Upcoming events

Investing: Part I

In Person and Zoom

Mike Finley

Thursday, April 3rd

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Hudson Public Library, Reach out to Mike for the Invite

Fin Heads Meeting

In person and Zoom

Mike Finley

Saturday, April 5th

10:00am - 11:00am

Cedar Falls Public Library, Reach out to Mike for the Invite

The First 3 Steps and the 1 Big Change

Personal Finance Class #1, In Person and Zoom

Mike Finley

Monday, April 7th

6:00pm - 7:00pm

UNI-CUE, 800 Sycamore, Waterloo, IA, Reach out to Mike for the Invite

Investing: Part II

In Person and Zoom

Mike Finley

Thursday, April 10th

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Hudson Public Library, Reach out to Mike for the Invite

There are many more events/classes in the upcoming months. Click below to see the full list, and filter by month or class type if you wish.

See all events

Books by mike finley

Financial Happine$$

What Color is the Sky


Now What?

Quote of the Week

You don’t need 99.9% of what Wall Street is selling. It’s expensive, unsuitable, or stupid. Most investments are designed to profit the brokers, banks, and insurance companies, not you. They should carry a warning label, “Beware! This financial product may be injurious to your wealth!”


Jane Bryant Quinn


Making the Most of Your Money

the stamp of approval

If you take control of your life, by taking control of your money, you won’t need this stamp. However, if you are awarded this stamp, you will have been inducted into an exclusive group, known as the FinHeads.

Stuff the lawyer wants me to say: Investing outside a bank or a credit union is not FDIC insured. You may lose the value in the investments you select. All information provided here is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer to buy or sell any of the securities, insurance products, or other products named. Translated: I am not selling anything! Educate yourself, research the information that you learned and finally make the right decisions that will benefit you and your family going forward.

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